Welcome to Apprentice Track

This first stage focuses on Process, Teamwork, and Communication. Apprentices learn how to organize, complete, and evaluate their own work and the work of their team mates. The goal of the Apprentice stage is to learn HOW to work effectively – either alone or as part of a group by learning the PHAZELINE process.

The most important aspect of this stage in the program is learning process and becoming part of the team. To this end, the PHAZELINE process is consistently utilized to provide a common base for all team members. New team members are integrated into existing teams by pairing - a process that is designed to integrate the new apprentice into the team as quickly as possible.

For the first several sessions, new apprentices are coached on how to best work within the PHAZELINE system, are given pointers on interacting with the other members of their team, and in their own professional development. Apprentices are coached on resume creation and how to effectively communicate with others.